RLNIII Studio & Designs

Creative Thoughts

Inspiring change through curated conversation and canvas.

Hang Night 2023 at Heath Gallery

Heath Gallery is located in a historic Queen Anne-style townhouse in Central Harlem's Mount Morris Park district and was designed by Alfred Zucker & Co. in 1886. The gallery was founded by Thomas Edwin and Saundra Alexis Heath, both artists, in 2002. Initially, the gallery was a space to exhibit Thomas' art but soon expanded to showcase emerging and underrepresented artists, prioritizing Harlem-based artists. HangNight™, conceived and conceptualized by Kai Heath, began in February 2014. The monthly event is an open mash-up of artistic expression that includes visual artists and typically open mic, music, and vocal performances. No evening is exactly the same and might just as well include dance performers, essayists reading their work, or a mini-fashion presentation. The evening is malleable with expressive art as the common language and theme. Artists present their work and also have an opportunity to engage in open Q&A which is highly encouraged. The HangNight™ community is diverse, inclusive, safe, multi-generational, and judgment-free. All artists, creatives, and art lovers are invited to joyfully share and exchange. [1]

This particular HangNight™ was special because we were also celebrating Mr. Heath’s birthday!! This is a fantastic opportunity for creatives to meet potential new friends and collaborators. HangNight™ takes place on the last Friday of every month in Harlem. For more information follow Heath Gallery (@heathgallery). Whether you are an artist or an art lover the Heath Family is sure to blow you away with their openness and passion for the community.

Artwork that was featured throughout the night -

Artwork that was featured throughout the night -


